Smoothie King Hive Five Bowl is a tropical and nutritious smoothie bowl that features a pitaya (dragon fruit) base. Diced mango, shredded coconut, banana slices, and dried goji berries are added on top, and honey is drizzled over everything.
Hive Five Bowl Ingredients :
- Pitaya base
- Papaya Juice Blend
- Turbinado
- Strawberries
- Mangoes
- Shredded Coconut
- Goji Berries
- Bananas
- Honey
Hive Five Bowl Nutrition Facts
Calories | 460 |
Total Fat (g) | 10 |
Carbs (g) | 90 |
Protein (g) | 7 |
Sugar (g) | 72 |
Sodium (mg) | 65 |
Smoothie King Hive Five Bowl nutritional information
Hive Five Bowl Allergens :
- Tree Nuts
- Coconut
Hive Five Bowl FAQs
What is Smoothie King Hive Five Bowl ?
Smoothie King Hive Five Bowl is a tropical and nutritious smoothie bowl that features a pitaya (dragon fruit) base
How to make Smoothie King Hive Five Bowl ?
Here’s a simple Hive Five Bowl recipe :
1/4 cup diced mango
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1/4 cup granola 1/4 cup shredded coconut
1/4 cup sliced bananas
1 tablespoon dried goji berries
How much calories in a Smoothie King Hive Five Bowl ?
Smoothie King Hive Five Bowl calories based on size, milk choice and additional. General calories is about (460).